Privacy Policy
Battle for Cattle has been created as part of MycoSynVac, a synthetic biology research project, which has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 634942. is owned, operated and managed by Biofaction KG on behalf of the research consortium and is committed to respecting the privacy of our players. Our web site is governed in accordance with current legislation, including the Austrian Telekommunikationsgesetz 2003 ("TKG 2003“) and the General Data Protection Regulation (the “GDPR”), (Regulation (EU) 2016/679). The game has been developed by Stark Apps GmbH.
In the following sections of our privacy policy we want to let you know in detail about what types of data is collected from you, how that data is used, who has access to it, and which services we rely on for the game to be made accessible to you and to function.
Personal Information
In general, you should know that neither Biofaction KG nor Stark Apps actively collect or have access to any personal data, unless you contact us and share that data. For the game to function and to be distributable and accessible, we have to rely on a number of services, which do collect data. These, to the best of our knowledge, are listed below.
1) For the game in general:
Among the 3rd party service providers that we make use of for the game to function, Unity3D Game Engine (European Union contact: Unity Technologies Finland OY, Kaivokatu 8 B, 00100 Helsinki, Finland) includes device data collection in the software itself. Unity collects some information from players passively, including location, IP address and unique device identifiers.
We have no access to the data collected by Unity, and do not make use of any ad or analytics services provided by Unity.
For more information on how Unity complies with the GDPR, check out:
2) When you play the game online:
Our webhost (ALL-INKL.COM) automatically saves information regarding network traffic to the web site, including information about browser type, time of access, operating system, country etc.
The information we have access to is used for general statistical purposes, and IP addresses are anonymized. Therefore it cannot serve to identify individual visitors, unless further data inquiries are made to the webhost, and different data sources compared. We will only take those steps, if we find that the web site has been abused.
Our provider, ALL-INKL.COM’s (ALL-INKL.COM - Neue Medien Münnich, owner: René Münnich, Hauptstraße 68, 02742 Friedersdorf, Germany) compliance with GDPR can be found here:
3) When you download the game app for Android devices:
Please be aware that you are downloading the app for Android devices via the Google Play Store, and using your Google account. Google (European contact: Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland) does collect information, including IP addresses and information that is associated and stored with your Google account.
The data we have access to via the play store account is aggregated and contains no personal or identifiable details.
To find out more about how Google complies with the GDPR, check out:
4) When you download the game app for iOS devices:
Please be aware that you are downloading the app for iOS devices via the Apple App Store, and using your Apple account or Apple ID. Apple (Apple Inc. One Apple Park Way, Cupertino, California, USA, 95014) does collect information, including IP addresses and information that is associated and stored with your Apple ID.
The data we have access to via the play store account is aggregated and contains no personal or identifiable details.
To find out more about how Apple complies with the GDPR, check out:
5) When you contact us directly:
When you e-mail us or contact us directly, you’re providing us with personal information, such as your e-mail address, your name or other identifying data. We will use this information for the purpose it was collected, such as replying to queries, clarifications, project inquiries, follow-up etc.
Your information may be used in analysis or evaluation of our work, service, impact or similar areas to maintain and improve our internal standards.
We will not share your information with any other organisations for marketing, market research or commercial purposes and we do not pass on your details to other web sites. Your data will not be shared unless legally required.
Legal info
Biofaction KG
Science Communication and Research
Company number: FN 356291 h
Biofaction KG
Kundmanngasse 39/12
1030 Vienna